board of


The leadership of RUF consists of a board of trustee-directors entrusted with the leadership of the Fellowship to protect the interests of the Gospel and ministry of Jesus Christ in the universities in Malaysia.

An Executive Chairman provides the management structure that will best serve the goals of the RUF including the appointment and oversight of ministers assigned to university work.


robin gan

Our chairman, Robin Gan is passionate to teach the bible and challenge young men and women to take Jesus’ call to discipleship seriously. As an alumni of New South Wales University, Australia, Robin greatly benefitted from his University’s Christian ministry as a young Christian. Convicted by the Gospel and seeing the need for more workers in the harvest field, he trained for ministry in the Ministry Training Strategy (MTS) programme under Rev. Philip Jensen and continued his formal theological training at Moore Theological College.

After coming back to Malaysia, he started the Gospel Growth Fellowship and Reformed University Fellowship with the vision to grow evangelicalism in the Klang Valley. Robin is also the founding elder for Christ Evangelical Reformed Church. Together with his wife, Joy, they have three children – Ilona, Alethea, and Latimer.


Joshua johnson

Joshua Johnson graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia with a Degree in Communications. He was an active member of his campus CF and served as the Cell Group Coordinator for 2 years while he was there. Upon graduation, his passion for student ministry grew so much so that he joined FES Malaysia as a staff worker for 7.5 years (2.5 years in Penang, 5 years in Klang Valley). Since then, he has been working as an academic counsellor at Methodist College Kuala Lumpur for the past 8 years (and counting!).

A word from Joshua himself
Student ministry is so important because your time in university determines whether you make it, or break it in life. Uni is the time where you are able to get out of your comfort zones and discover God for yourselves. If you are not grounded with the knowledge of the Gospel, then you are sure to break in real life after graduating and start 'adulting'/working. This is why RUF exists: that the Gospel be taught, learned and spread to all on campus. Students not only need to be confronted with the truth of the Gospel, but they also need fellow Christian friends to journey with them through the discoveries and struggles, and RUF is here for that purpose.


mark leong

Mark Leong studied Computer Science and Business Management in the University of Birmingham, England. He was struck by the gospel as a student there and was active in the local Christian Union (UK version of CF). Upon graduation he joined the Relay training program which seeks to help train and disciple more people into staff workers hosted by the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF). During his time there, he grew increasingly burdened by the need for the gospel back in Malaysia. This led to his return to Malaysia in 2010, looking for ways in which he could invest his life to grow the gospel.

Mark spent 1 year working with FES Malaysia and 3 years in his local church's Church Minister's Apprenticeship program upon his return to Malaysia. At his local church, he serves on the Council of Elders, leads adult and student small groups and heads the IT department. He is married to Hui Chuin, has two young kids, works as a Project Manager in a fintech company and seeks to equip himself with further theological training in the UK in the future.


Yeoh wei wei

Wei Wei completed her Degree in Marketing and Management with Northwood University, a twinning program offered at INTI International College Subang. Similar to Mark and Joshua, she was highly active in campus ministry ever since her first semester in INTI. Her passion for the gospel caused her to serve there for all her years of Degree, taking up various roles in the ministry including Bible Study Leader, Vice President and President.

Prior to INTI, she had attended church for many years but could not answer the simple question of what it means to be a Christian. It was through ministries like RUF that she was compelled to search for answers, and from there her eyes were opened to understand Christianity definitively. During her campus years she had seen many of her Christian friends who were in her shoes; lost in their understanding of the gospel and in their everyday lives. Because of that, she decided to partner with RUF to help students and campus ministries all around Malaysia to provide guidance and support to ensure continuous faithful ministry by being loyal to Jesus and His Word.